How to change upload media path

How to change upload media path and remove publish to gallery button

not finds out a file please help me how to change


I believe that the top bar is defined by the DesignToolbar, so if you want to add/remove buttons, that should be the class you want to modify.

Sadly I'm not sure where the media pannel lives :confused: But I have a suspicion it's somewhere under the client/editor directory. Hopefully someone else can point you in the right direction!

Best wishes,

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I can't understand your issue please explain it once again

As @BeksOmega mentioned, the design toolbar is the place to make these edits. However, your inquiry regarding the changes to the Media section is rather opaque.

I suspect he wants to put Media section on the toolbar in his distribution.

Read this first → How to ask a question (open new topic), especially point 2:
