How to change block style

hello sir I need help I am making a new builder
I change a block style not change a color
but not find out block style java file plz help me

I think you need to change the whole blockly SDK I am not sure let
@ewpatton answer that :slight_smile:
@MohamedTamer can also have a look :slight_smile:

The block styles are not defined in Java. They are provided by Blockly. If you want to make modifications, you'll need to edit the files in lib/blockly/core/.

Hi @superboy welcome to App Inventor Community,

As per my understanding, you are looking for a custom block renderer but App Inventor isn't on the latest version of Blockly, so custom renderers aren't currently supported.

but you can enable HAT of the block by changing

Blockly.BlockSvg.START_HAT to true in block_svg.js .

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