How to add upi payment in our app page like gpay,PhonePe,Paytm

i am trying to collect online payment from our customer for their online purchase of our i just want some ideas to add upi payment in my app page and as well as i just want to collect delivery address of the customer i can create the column of to fill the address.but how i can retrieve the details of the which customer filled .

you might get some ideas here

also an extension might be helpful
Payment Gateway for Paytm Intent Upi Extension by Shivendra Kr Sahu (INR 500)
Payment Gateway for Upi Extension by Shivendra Kr Sahu (INR 500)

see also the extensions directory here


Trying to push the limits! Snippets, Tutorials and Extensions from Pura Vida Apps by Taifun.

A post was split to a new topic: Offtopic extensions