How to add live support feature in apps?

i want to make an app in it i want to add a feature which is live support can anyone please help me to how to do it..please help me

which means, something like a chat feature?
if yes, see these threads Search results for 'chat' - MIT App Inventor Community


Trying to push the limits! Snippets, Tutorials and Extensions from Pura Vida Apps by Taifun.

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i cant find it i mean you want any support like want to ask me the price of some product you will text me in chat if im online i will reply to it or it shold be stored somewhere so when i come back it will show me i will reply to it...

ok, you are describing a chat feature...
see the already mentioned threads in my last post


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it can be made
but i may suggest you to use crisp
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what is meant by crisp also can you say me how to use it

Its a chat feature not realted to app inventor just check it out on google

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do you have a link


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Also have a small game feature when admin take time to reply for timepass

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Wow, very good :+1: i like it.

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