How to add library & new package in extension

please follow this if you find any problem then please ask

thank :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :heart_eyes:

However it is not guaranteed that your extension will work if you have included aar in it.

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Sir can i put the path bellow here:

Yaaa if library need resources then it not work

Ummm if you want to add external lib into component then you need to add here.

@Salman_Dev please don't tell me sir you all are my friends. :blush:


You know, I've put the path below this line:
<property name="support.version" value="28.0.0" />
and the extension is working fine so am I doing right?

or do I have to put the path above or below this?
<!-- Add extension libraries here -->

When ever you use @UsesLibraries annotation it will copy your exteernal into extension.

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When ever you add path below this line it also copy your lib into build folder.

You can also understand this into

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Support libs are no longer supported and have been migrated to AndroidX

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I think you copied code from some where.

Appybuilder sources
I am sure

@vknow360 I think he needs to create new property type ?

Yes, but he needs some imports too.

Yes he needs more changes into code

@shivaprasad are you sure that above code is yours and is not copied?

yes from appybuilder

Ok then @Peter would like to have a look here.

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I guess Appybuilder is copyrighted / licenced by Kodular ?