how to import library in extension
like :- import com.flask.ColorPicker.libary.colorpicker.OnColorChangedListener;
compile 'com.github.arturogutierrez:badges:1.0.5@aar'
links :-
how to import library in extension
like :- import com.flask.ColorPicker.libary.colorpicker.OnColorChangedListener;
compile 'com.github.arturogutierrez:badges:1.0.5@aar'
links :-
please follow this if you find any problem then please ask
However it is not guaranteed that your extension will work if you have included aar in it.
Sir can i put the path bellow here:
Yaaa if library need resources then it not work
Ummm if you want to add external lib into component then you need to add here.
You know, I've put the path below this line:
<property name="support.version" value="28.0.0" />
and the extension is working fine so am I doing right?
or do I have to put the path above or below this?
<!-- Add extension libraries here -->
When ever you use @UsesLibraries annotation it will copy your exteernal into extension.
When ever you add path below this line it also copy your lib into build folder.
You can also understand this into
Support libs are no longer supported and have been migrated to AndroidX
I think you copied code from some where.
Appybuilder sources
I am sure
Yes, but he needs some imports too.
Yes he needs more changes into code
yes from appybuilder