so im editing my appinventor source
i want to copy an ID from a property
and place it in androidmanifest.xml using compiler.xml
i follow some steps by editing project.java too and add some line like they were doing in appybuilder with Onesignal but it didn't work
does anyone have any idea how to do that
EDIT:PS: i don’t know if that could be the problem but i don’t recompile the whole source i just recompile buildserver
i added to project.java those lines
private static final String ID = "APPID";
public String getAPPID() { return properties.getProperty(ID); }
public void setAPPID(String ID) {
properties.setProperty(ID, ID);
This can’t be done using annotations in extensions. The PR that was merged requires that all of the information be statically known at compile time of App Inventor/the extension. If you’re building your own system, then you will want to look at how properties such as the WebViewer’s UsesLocation property are stored as a project-level setting and then consumed in Compiler.java. Obviously, depending on the information you need to embed, you may need to use it in a location other than generatePermissions as given in the example.