How notifications are being managed when users log in and out

I'm using the extensions MelonNotification and Itoo on my App Inventor. When using one user login and password, the notification (Itoo) works fine. However, when I log out and log in with another login and password, I'm getting multiple notifications (Itoo).


Switch screens correctly and use the close screen block to go back to Screen1


notifications are still being triggered when switching between users

I tried as you informed but still issue when I'm switching between users I'm getting melonNotifcation of other users

NOTE: the issue lies during the automatic logout process. When I logout and Manually handling the screen swap and login in again it works. Please help me to solve this issue. Thanks in advance!

I previously was assuming, that your blocks are NOT on Screen1? ~On which screen are they?~
EDIT: there is a Screen2.Initialize block, so they are on Screen2... which means, use the close screen block to go back to Screen2 assuming you were opening Screen2 from Screen1... fix screen switching on all your screens!

How do you switch between users?
EDIT: Probably you have to initialize some of your properties you are using in methods FetchProperty/StoreProperty?

Can you elaborate on this? How do you logout? What is a manual screen swap?

What do you want to tell us with those arrows?


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@Taifun Thank you so much!
I correct as you informed now it's working :wink:


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