How many screens can I add

I get this message that says i’m going to exceed the limit if i make more than 10 screens. I want to know how many screens can i add until it stops working or something like that and one last thing I don’t know, but app inventor wouldn’t work for me today. I don’t know why and I tried it with many computers thank you.
Please reply if you can soon .

It’s a very good idea to stick to less than 10 screens.

Use different screens wisely

If you decided to use different screens, then you should switch them correctly, else you will run out of memory after a while...      
The recommended method of switching screens in App Inventor
(Thanks Taifun)
Also see demo: multiscreen.aia

I can say almost without a doubt that no one needs 10 screens for an app. I’m yet to find a user who can show me that he or she absolutely need that amount for an app, even without using arrangements as virtual screens.
If you think you really need that many, can you explain why or show what kind of app you are building?

This is possible for each user to use a separate screen

Even on the newer phones? such as the new iPhone SE?

Yes. Even on, and probably especially on, an iPhone.

You do not need that many real screens. Just use virtual screens, it is so much easier.

What do you mean by virtual screens?

Use different screens wisely

If you decided to use different screens, then you should switch them correctly, else you will run out of memory after a while...      
The recommended method of switching screens in App Inventor
(Thanks Taifun)
Also see demo: multiscreen.aia

Ok, thanks so much