Do not make two loops, only one. Remove the loop below. And what you have under the loops must be put into the loop. Then "number" will be the index.
Then instead of the orange block "set global TotalPeljualan to" use the list block "add item to list". Additionally, above the loop, put the orange block "set global TotalPelijualan to: create empty list".
Instead of an empty text field, use "create empty list" - a blue block from the List group.
Usuń "global ValuePenjualan to get values get global Penjualan".
Delete "global ValueHB to get number" - I don't know what it is for.
Make these 3 points and show the blocks.
In "" quotation marks I write English block names, so don't translate it into your own language, then you will see what blocks are meant.
First, you should practice programming logic. Conditions, loops, etc. AppInventor and app building aren't really a good start. There are easier websites to learn logic with simple exercises where you progress step by step.
that global ValueBH want get value for "storageBH"
global ValuePenjualan want get value for "Penjualan"
because i need "ValueBH" x "Value Penjualan"
Now for the last modification. Now you are multiplying the same two values "global ValuePenjualan x global ValuePenjualan". Replace one of them with "global StorageBH"
These blocks are not needed:
In list "global TotalPenjualan" you will get all results from multiplikation.
Have you tested? Did you mean something like that?
You can also add the names of goods, quantities, etc.
In multiplication, add the blue block "get values" before "global Penjalan" and before "global StorageBH".
These lists are not equal. I really don't know what is written in these dictionaries and what you want to multiply. I don't know the intent of your application so it's hard for me to guess what you want to get and what is in these variables. You use non-English names, I have no idea what this should do.
I don't know if I understand correctly but "apa" is the name of an article? "20" is the amount sold? "1000" is the price?
ok wait i change it for englis
I think this list of how many items you have sold is shorter because you only sell one brand. And the list of brands is StorageBH
Instead of "get StorageBH" put "get Penjualan"
But that won't work either. I already know what's going on there. I'm gonna do blocks because there's too much writing :).
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thank you very much sir for the help
I am very helpful for your help
I hope the knowledge you provide is useful for me
and get blessings for you
You separate the values in the line with commas, and you create a new line by adding \ n.
So in this block, what you showed between the values, you add a text field with a comma.
The loop creates a comma-separated list of these values.
Finally, by using the "jojn item using separator" block from the "List" group, you create the csv with the \ n separator.
This block in a loop: