How do you use the same application in different teams?

Good morning,
a few years ago I built an application to count the number of people entering and leaving a place.

Today I would need to implement the application.
I would like to have it used by different teams in the area.

The different teams must be able to use it without changing the count of the others.

if I need to use it to count the number of people in church and school:

the CHURCH-team must be able to add / remove people only in their section without adding / removing people from the SCHOOL-team-count.

I don't know if I made myself clear, how do I get this sectioning to be able to use the same application in different teams?

Thanks for help!

How/where do you save your count data?
if with TinyWebDb or Firebase, just save the data with different tag.

these are my blocks! how to proceed?
I forgot the mechanics of writing the program :frowning:


Someone could show me how to add TinyWEbDB or Firebase or CloudDB to use this application in the same time by 2 or 3 or 4 different team?

  1. you could use a different CloudDB Tag for each team, then provide code to select the team they will use (possibly password protected?)
  2. you could provide a different version of your app for each team.

What you do depends on whether the code you posted actually works as you would like to provide the counts of parishioners. You seem to be using multiple CloudDB components; that is not necessary.