How do you use Sign in with Google in app inventor?

hello inventors! is there any way to use 'Sign in with Google' in app inventor? :thinking:
i mean a button like this that appears in sign up/login forms:

that when you click it, shows your gmail accounts and you can pick one to sign up/in with.
i know you can customize this button. i just need the way to use this action when a button is clicked by the user.

thank you! :smiley: :pray:

Well for that you need firebase authentication currently MIT App Inventor does not any component for firebase authentication but you can use an extension.

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Thank you so much! if i didnt want to use this ext, how else could i use the firebase with its own javascript code?

Hmmm may be you can do that with JS and WebView component.

This ext gives an error while importing in app inventor.

Can you share error message?


Download and upload aix from your computer, from url it gives this error


oh! thanks!

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I doubt that it will work. :thinking:

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@vknow360 I don't know it is working or not but I have used it in one project in past and at that time it worked fine for me