How do you use delimiters?

Good day. I am busy making an app using an esp32 ARDUINO IDE. I want to send different data values to different labels on my app. I have started with the block that receives the data but I dont know how to continue on from there at all. Is it possible for someone to help and show how the block must look if I separate the different values with commas as my delimiter. Thanks!!

Here is an updated blocks sample illustrating these ideas ...

BlueTooth_delimiter_sample.aia (3.4 KB) global message

Thanks so much for this. I am now having trouble with how would I code it in my arduino IDE. My code displays the ascii values and not the actual words and also outputs the newline value. Below is my code blocks once again and my arduino code.

Screenshot 2024-09-22 113244
As you can see I am just trying to display the word IDLE in the first label but I then get the output in my app as: 73 68 76 69 13 10.
If I also write something then add a comma and write something else it displays the comma's ascii value in the label as well and does not break up the different data to different labels.
For example this code just displays the string as ascii values in one label with commas and all:

You asked for bytes, which are numbers from 0 to 255 in AI2, and you got bytes.

Ask for Text, like in the sample I posted.