How do you set a marker on a random street?

i have this:

its a random place but sometimes its in a house or in the water, i want only on streets. is that possible??

Not really possible to randomly select a geolocation randomly that will occur only on a road or street.
71 percent of the earth's surface is water; the odds a random location will not be in a river or a lake or an ocean are dismal.

However, if you reverse geocode you can determine if a location is in Google's database. If you randomly select a location that comes up No address available, you might have selected a location on a street but probably did not. Filter your random location to avoid No address available and you can eliminate a lot of locations that do not meet your criteria. If LocationSensor1.CurrentAddress does not return No address available, you probably found a location on or near a street address.

Here are some discussions that might help:

show link to reverse geocode like this:

There could be other ways.


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