How do you save Generated QRCode - image to Gallery?

I have this project wherein the Visitors will generate their QRCode. But my problem is how to save the Generated QRCode into Gallery... I am using Image not Canvass. Thank you

Try this one:
com.sunny.flip.aix (6.6 KB)

Thank you Sir, I did use your flipimage do you have any image instruction on how to use it. sorry im just a beginner.

Since it is clear that OnQrCreated event returns file name, so you needn't use any other extension.


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My point sir is whatever QR-Code Generated by the program The user will also be able to Save it in their gallery. I am using Image not Canvass thank you

So what do you think Image.Picture method accepts? Bitmap?
Try printing picture path on a label.

Thank you for the response I did what is in the image but I encounter this problem.

I think anyone looking at my second last post can clearly say that Image_Component is an Image component.
And file name is obviously file name and not dir name.
If you don't know about file restrictions introduced in Android Q then please learn about it before proceeding further.


Mobility_and_Contact_Tracing_App.aia (540.7 KB) This is my program sir. I just want to save whatever QR-Code generated in the Visitors Space.

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