How do you return to the previous App Inventor design?

Good afternoon, can you help me with a question, today I just opened my projects in app inventor and the option "Android 5+ devices" appeared in all my projects. How can I remove it and return to the previous interface? My projects did not have that option and I liked the previous design better.

I have this design.

I would like to have this layout again and even with the same property bar. It's possible?

Change the theme to Classic


Push the project properties button in the menubar

and under Theming -> Theme choose the classic theme.


Thanks, I already managed to remove the "Android Devices +5" button from the project, however I think I have to do it for every new and old project.

Is there a way to select classic theme by default and is it possible to return to the previous property bar? Thank you very much for your help. :cat:

Just hang on if you can, there may be a fix coming from MIT soon...

Otherwise, yes, you will need to do this for every existing project you open.

New projects, will, by default, be set to Device Default

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