How do you report typos?

Hello guys,
how can report a typo?
Thank you

Just report it here

Hello TIMAI2,

thanks for your answer.
There is a typo in french language. I have attached a pic (I am not good to explain in words ... sorry)
It is in the yellow pop-up window
Thank you!

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I had to look 2 times so I guess we can live with that. :wink:


If all users were as precise and thorough with reading as you are, that would be great and save us a lot of questions and answers. :ok_hand:

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Hello Anke,
thanks for reply.
I did the same when I first saw it, I moved the mouse pointer away and then again in the same point hoping it was me but the second time ... the typo was still there! Of course, just joking :slight_smile:
Well, it is up to you if you want to fix it but, can you sleep quite now, knowing it is there? :smiley:
By the way, your AppInventor rocks!
Kind regards

Hello @Giorgio_Incantalupo!

We'd love if if you wanted to review and update a translation. You can do this by creating an account at and sending me a private message. I'm finalizing a tutorial video to make the process clearer to people.

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It is not a translation issue :wink:


I've logged it as an issue on GitHub.

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Oh, I see, I misunderstood. I thought it was a misspelling in the French translation!