Reapeat this ...
Please help me i really need help
Not sure what you mean. Explain what you want to do
I want to reapeat:
set ball radius to ball radius - 1 15 times
You would use a clock timer, assuming you want be be able to see the animation of the ball reducing in size. Also you need to ensure that the ball has a radius of at least 15.
how can i use timer for reapeat this block?
Sorry I have got another question ..
How can I say when ball 1 collided with middle of ball 2 do something .?
Try this
reduceBall.aia (2.9 KB)
I added a 3rd ball with a radius of 1, same colour and coordinates as Ball2. Ball3 moves to the same position as Ball2 when Ball2 is dragged. The collision is now with ball3, which is at the centre of Ball2.
Thank youuuu
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