How do you open user pattern lock to unlock next step in my app?

Hello! Is there a way to open user pattern lock with ActivityStarter or something like it? Thanks.
Idea: "To enable to send an specific email, first my user have to unlock with his/her password." The app did not to know the user password.

Very very unlikely, probably the answer is no.
[Edit - sorry, misread, I thought you want to run the pattern lock!]

but I don't understand, won't the user have already used the pattern lock to open their device to read the email ? And assumes they are using pattern lock....

Welcome cafedev.

This community discussion seems to post an aia example 'pattern lock' that works with lower numbered Android devices AI companion showing images but APK failed to load . The aia example might work for part of what you expect to do. Try the example and let us know what happens.

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my patttern lock example might help?

How to create a Pattern Lock Mechanism with App Inventor and some JavaScript

also see the FingerprintSensor Extension here



Thanks Taifun! The Fingerprint Authentication is a solution, nice solution. Already I'm going to use it. But, not every phone has fingerprint sensor; yet that is the idea of my question.
Mmm, I can't render some example but... MercadoLibre app, an eBay competitor, when someone try to make Credit Card operation the user must confirm with his/her pattern code the action.