I have been trying to load my website in app inventor in web browser but it didn't seem to load then I found it should be opened as localhost in order to work since I am making a 3D web app on it. I have no idea how to do it. Pls help.
this helped thanks
Thanks for answering. What if I made folder in assets and I want to open it then how should the location name change?
media/ asset do not support sub folders. all files on same level.
So where do you think I can put the folders and access it then how do I access them as localhost? Can you give example?
are you sure?
you always can download the project (aia file) open it using 7zip, copy sub folders and their files into the folder /assets and upload the modified project back into App Inventor
If you have a folder structure for your web site/app, you will probably need to create the folder structure in your ASD, or download a zip of the site, and unzip it to your ASD. You should then be able to call the start page using "file:///.../index.html"
But will I be able to open it as local host?
localhost has to load html from asset. So change your html file where load the js/other assets file from same level of html file, or load from Internet.