How do you make loop?

like for example you open an your app and you have loop

What do you mean by a loop ?

An iteration over a list ?

An image of a loop ?

Something else ?

A jeweler's loupe?

Use the Clock.Timer event

You are welcome! @DEV_steak

These Blocks make a loop of 4 different images, with an interval of 1 second, returning to the initial image and keeping the loop, until the [Start] button is pressed »

When Screen1.Initialize » trigger the Timer

When Clock1Timer » Defines the name of the image that will be visible, increases Counter and keeps the loop active...

When Bt_Start.Click » Disable the timer, leave the Start Button invisible, make the Selected Button visible and define its text to the chosen image number


Download this *.aia file to your computer and Import the project at AI2 Editor »

Images_Loop_until_starting.aia (9.9 KB)


