How do you make a tutorial url?

How to make tutorial url?

I think you need to elaborate more.......


This Screen1 attribute only works against MIT URLs.

I forget the last time any one mentioned it.

The About box is a good place to put links to documentation, or the documentation itself.

if in doubt, check the documentation User Interface

A URL which will be opened on the left side panel (which can be toggled once it is open). This is intended for projects that have an in-line tutorial as part of the project. For security reasons, only tutorials hosted on or linked to from our URL shortener ( may be used here. Other URLs will be silently ignored.


Trying to push the limits! Snippets, Tutorials and Extensions from Pura Vida Apps by Taifun.

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I would like to link a tutorial to an app for my students. I saw where you can put the url to then open the sidebar with a toggle button. But I haven't figured out where to write the tutorial and how to save it so I can aggacate the link.
I read that only tutorials hosted on or linked to our URL shortener ( can be used. Other URLs will be silently ignored.
But I don't understand how the tutorials are to be hosted,

Thank you for the information

This is the case, you would need to be able to do the above, MIT would need to provide you with access and permission to do so.

Thank you, but how?.
How to request access?
how to be authorized?

Example in Designer Screen1 TutorialURL write:

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