No. The quiz can work with a List See the equivalent of the csv file as a List here
You can modify the QuizQuestion2.txt file with your additional questions/answers
and load the modified file to Media (Assets)
Who was the first President?, Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, Hamilton,2
The law of the land, First Amendment,Constitution, Articles of Confederation, Bill of Rights,3
Where is MIT?,Germany,Texas,none of these,Boston,5
What is the opposite of happy?, euphoric,sad,ok,fine,3
Who is the most recent President?, Washington, Trump, Biden, Lincoln,3
the question | the four comma separated possible answers (the second through fourth items) | the correct answer (4 - the fourth item counting the question item (Biden).
and keep using this construction to make your Question file. You can use Notepad to make the csv.
You only need one List where that is a List of Lists as one way to use a List. If you do it this way modify the app logic. You can also use two separate Lists, but then you have to recode everything. 
I think it is easier to use a csv. The code is already provided. Why do you need to do this with a List? You can create a List from the csv (see above).
The example can automatically go to the next question when a user clicks the correct answer if you use an if.then.else statement to run the code that is in Button1.
See Kevinkun's advice.