This height, see below, any way to obtain it? Need yr help
I don't think it's possible for native component, maybe by an extension.
Check this:
height_keyboard.aia (2.1 KB)
The method does not take into account the height of the bottom bar, which for me is 50px. Modifying it a bit I think you can get what you want
I've tried it works!
The VerticalArrangement just changes its height when Keyboard is enable
Clever idea.
in the example, the vertical arrange have a label with height fill parent. What about the vertical arrange if full of component, no space to adjust height? will it still return correct height?
My modified version? I made it simpler
In fact I just want my app to remember this height once user inputs
This will take account the bottom bar height,
Clock interval 200ms still work
height_keyboard_v2.aia (2.1 KB)
I haven't tried how it works with a large number of components. It certainly won't work with the layout set to a fixed height in px or %, because then the keyboard is above the layout.
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