I have a firebase storage account where I receive an image after an interval of time. I want to see that image in an image component of the app. Could you please help?
You could use the web component to do this
You will need to know the folder, the filename and for the above the rules on firebase storage will need to be read and write = true.
You can use google apps script and the Google Cloud Storage API to programmatically access firebase storage in order to get the folders and filenames...
Same question has been asked in Kodular
All these examples show for a static image display in app. Where as an image in firebase storage will have a token and for every image the token will be unique.
How to handle this unique token?
In my guide, I hopefully explained when the file token needed to be used, and how to apply it. It is not necessary when the rules are open, only when the security rules restrict access to authenticated users. As previously mentioned, you will, as a minimum, need the filename, but if file is behind secure rules, you will also need the token (unless you sign in to firebase as an authenticated user, in which case you will be able to download the file to your app without a token)
If this is not what you are referring to, you will need to show us what your mean....you do not say or show how the image file gets to firebase storage in the first place.
With regard to your comment:
You did state in your original post:
I want to see that image in an image component of the app
Thank for the guidance. I will check and update.
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