I am using TIMA2 SQLite extension and all is working well. Now I need to do this:
I have this select: SElECt obras, cidade FROM obras which returns two records. Then it generate a list with the contents of the fields. My goal is to fill a ListView, but inserting headers, like this:
Thank you for the example, but this is not the case. What I need to know is how to receive data from a SELECT * FROM table from SQLite in order to fill a ListView.
You appear to know how to retrieve the data from a select query, @ABG's YAML example shows how to present the data in the format that you requested....
Guys, I'm almost there. Let me explain the situation now:
When I use SELECT obra, cliente FROM obras using the ListFixer block, my result is:
So, in this case, I have two records. But imagine the result could be four or five or more records. In this case how do I use the procedure explained by @vknow360 to make a join with string "Obra: " and "1.1.22 COROADOS" and "Cliente: " and "CONSDON ENGENHARIA E COMERCIO LTDA", once these strings ("Obra" and "Cliente") are not from the query result?