How do you display range data from firebase to listview?

I have a real-time database of Laserscan data in Firebase
I want to display the ranges only.
the ranges are indexed from 0 to 179 I can't capture the entire screen.
I'm new to MIT app inventor and never worked with JSON
your help would be much appreciated
Screenshot 2025-02-07 150644
Screenshot 2025-02-07 150627

tag ranges should be returning a list/JSON array (possibly stringified), because the data is set as a firebase array.

Will take a look later...

yes, when I run the app I get the error "java.lang.String cannot be cast to"

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This is working for me:




and to set the values to a lisstview:


Bear in mind that the AI2 list index starts at 1, so you will have to subtract 1 to get the firebase index.

Also, read this:

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Thank you but it didn't work, it returns an empty list.
I tried to read the documentation I think my array is different from your example.
the indexes and values are connected through one line as opposed to yours I think mine is subArray?
Screenshot 2025-02-07 194730

Try tag 'Scan/ranges'.

If you are reusing a single Firebase GotValue event for different tag patterns, you will need to add an if/then/elseif tree for the different incoming tags (Scan, Scan/header, Scan/ranges)

You changed your firebase structure after I posted my approach...

ranges was a top level node, now it is a sub-node of Scan. You need to account for this as indicated by ABG.