Hello. I am new to the community and feeling a bit lost.
I am trying to display documents I saved on screen 2 on screen 3 but I have some problems. On screen 2 I save data from the form into the database. Data I save is a file from the filepicker, text from textboxes for name and description, the date from datepicker and document type from spinner while also checking if the required fields are empty and showing an error on the screen if they are.
I want to display that data in the next screen but it currently doesn't display anything. If it's because it can't display the file itself I would be okay with swapping displaying file to displaying just the connection I need to click for that specific file to open (or something to that effect). How should I do that?
I did switch it to Elements and made sure it displays properly, however, it just displays text and I cant open the file I chose with filepicker. Do I need an extension or a different tool for that?
Are all your files in one specific directory ?
Are you file created by your app or from other apps / locations ?
You may need to use Storage Access Framework (SAF extension) to access/read your files, not least to handle the content uris you are getting back from the FilePicker.
The files are picked by filepicker from my phones storage, not from the apps storage, the files are supposed to be saved in the TinyDB under the tag from the filename