How do you create app with the new (SDK 34) api?

So I created an update for my application (because google play devs needs to update the api....) and in the google playy console I get that this app doesnt have the api level. How can I acces to the new api? Is it ready?

Yes it is ready .

Just compile the app using nb198 to make your app compatible with SDK 34

The key change in release mb198 is upgrading the Android SDK target to 34, which aligns with Android version 14. This update is essential as it is mandatory for adding or updating apps on the Google Play Store after August 31, 2024.

so whats nb198? and how can I acces

The most recent version of version of App Inventor 2 :wink:

To use SDK34 version of you app, simply re-build your app


and resubmit it to Google.

So I done it correctly and think it.
I created the file......., I upload to the google play store and it said I still have old api why? (I have 5 app and in 4 of them say that)

I don't know. Are you submitting using aab? That might be the issue.

or 4 of them use extensions that are not SDK34 compliant and one does?

or you changed the version number on some but not all?

What is different about the one app that is SDK 34 compliant from the ones that are still non compliant?

There is No problem with Target SDK
Maybe You Used a extension that it's not updated with the new google play Target SDK

I have a problem to compile API34.
I build my app (.apk), next I must load in Apk Editor Studio to sign and add some asset but when I choose target Apk it only show me up to 33...
I used App Inventor nb198 and 4 extension (3 Taifun and 1 for animated gif.
Extension problem?
Apk EditorStudio?
Angelo V.

The nb198 App Inventor release upgrades the Android SDK target to 34, and was made available August 18, 2024. When you compile your app Companion should be 272 or 272u.


Are you using the latest versions of your extensions?

You can make multiple versions of your aia, deleting an extension and try using Apk Editor Studio and see what happens; continue deleting extensions until you get the result you hope for. Android 14 is known to be incompatible with several extensions; perhaps it is an issue of one of the four extensions you are trying to use.

My guess is, your Apk Editor is not up-to-date
It is definitely NOT an issue with one of the extensions yiu are using


Extensions are not the problem

if it can be useful to anyone...
simply force code 34 with the keyboard and do not select it from the drop-down menu
Thanks to all of you

is there any updated version of Apk Editor that supports SDK 34?