How do you convert list view data in to csv file?

I'm trying to make a program that store, edit and delete data in a tiny database and views it in a list view. but also I want to create a CSV file after everything has been done in list view.

after seeing videos about... I could store, edit and delete data but couldn't export it to a CSV file. Please, I need help.

Use the file component to save the file as a csv
Use the list to csv table block to convert the Ai2 list to a csv structure

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I'm not that good at it. Here is my aia file, please, tell me what I have to do
SEAMSLAST_copy.aia (25.2 KB)

Looks like you are doing things the hard way. From what I can see you are spreading your individual record data of 7 items across 7 lists and tinydb tags, as opposed to saving the entire record of 7 items together in one list.

You will need to combine the lists in all 7 tinydb tags into one list, in the correct order, to be able to then export that list to a csv file.

I will do a simple example

This is just one way to do it, there are other approaches, but I have attempted to use your lists and tinydb tags in the same way as you have in your app.The labels are used to show the outputs at each stage...


splitListsToCSV.aia (3.8 KB)

An alternate approach, using a similar method, is to append each new record created to the CSV


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