How do you convert list element type?

Form [”7’’,”8”,”9”,”13”,”14”,”20”,”21”,”22”,”25”,”26”,”32”,”33”]
To [7,8,9,13,14,20,21,22,25,26,32,33]

Try in Screen1's properties to deselect ShowListsAsJson

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See the differense

is it possible including comma ?

it is including comma.

I don't have this selection.

Press on Screen1 and scroll down in properties


that is in screen1
go there and then see

when i cancel "ShowListAsJason then the answer is (7 8 9 13 14 20 21 22 25 26 32 33)
but i need the answer is a string 7,8,9,13,14,20,21,22,25,26,32,33
because i want to do

From where do you get that list ?

Workaround, will work if your original list is having only numbers as text.

From here

This string list is a variable not a fixed.
The list is from the following block.

It doesn't make difference since finaly you are having a list, that is what I have loop over to generate another list.



Is this what you want ?

and next...step

Is my approach correct?

This will bring you back to the first place, again.

Afterwards you can use split text at `,


Or another way is to use a local variable and leave global variable intact to use it in another procedure

What is required to be there in global sensor, list or string data? I mean, the next processing module taking sensor variable into account, need it to be in what format - List or String.