How do you Convert Binary to Text in MIT App Inventor?

Hi everyone,

I found a way to convert text to binary in MIT App Inventor, but I’m struggling to do the reverse: converting binary back to text.

Here’s the code I’m using to convert text to binary:

xd.aia (8.9 KB)

Now, I need to decode a binary sequence back into readable text. Is there a way to achieve this in MIT App Inventor using built-in blocks or an extension? Any help or guidance would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance!

ref here..

incomplete blocks you have provided in the aia

Some more javascript ideas here (includes solutions for text to binary as well):

My fault, I've uploaded an old version of the program, this should be working
emitter.aia (9.3 KB)

Thanks for the linke, I've tried with it also but doesn't work for me. It converts chart by chart, i need all the text converted at the same time, just the way it converts text2bin in the program i've sent

Thx for the info, i've been reading it and i find it a little complicated to implement in a MIT coding

Some examples here:

Also see

for a blocks only approach.

can't open groups. google, could you show me in another way?thks

THKS, maybe using a list and a loop with bin2Ascii method could help

Here's the code from that post, with draggable blocks too.

AsciiCHRASCprocedures.aia (4.4 KB)

(Some of the png files could not upload to this board. You can find them in the aia.)