How do we manage multiple virtual screens without getting confused?

do you mean shareBTN?
I changed all descriptions to English

What problem do you have with the project? Is it with the Share button? That button is empty....


I put this, Wanting the buyer to share what they bought with their partner

another problem is that in the checkboxes, it only shows one product in the list, no matter what I put

I don't see that in the project you have shared...I see the click event is empty....there isn't any WebViewer in Screen3....

Anyway, Taifun extension is working for me....It opens the dialog to choose the app to share...and if I choose, for example, whatsAap, I can choose a contact and then the text, uri o whatever I want to share.

ShopingLista_checkpoint1.aia (62.3 KB)
With the save button the written product is saved
With the shopping list, the list that we have registered
with the buy button, to bring out the list written with all the different products, to mark the ones we want, to make the sum of the purchased
by storing the list of purchases to store the ones that were bought and finishing to take out the ones that were bought and those that were not bought.
With the share list, the purchase list can be shared with someone else interested

Is it possible with the sharelist to share what was bought and what was not bought and if possible with the cost of what was bought?

Step by step...

First of all, remove that:

that is doing always the first element is selected for the checkboxes.

In Screen2, "Check the list button" not a button...but a ListPicker? to change to screen3? Check that point...maybe you want to display in that ListPiker the original list you have stored in the before screen...if so, then add this:

Yes, in the "message" of the ShareMessage block you can include whatever you want...use the join block to join several strings, the message.

Other thing...maybe you want to have a button (maybe in the "Make a new list" maybe in other) to clean all the stored lists...

Here on the home screen I write the products, save them, when I press the shopping button it brings me the list.

when I press the shopping button it shows me the list. On the buy button it takes me to this list I wrote

with the buy button, it takes me to it where I can enter prices and amount

with the finish button it takes me to it, where I want it to show the things I bought on top and the things I didn't buy on the bottom.
With the button share the list, to be able to share what I bought, their cost and what I didn't buy just as a classification

I'm afraid I may not be that clear...
I think I more or less give what I want with the list

Yes, I have seen it and with the changes I told you, it works like you have described...

but in sharing it doesn't share anything and that's something, but if I look at it again, I'll find other mistakes, or shortcomings

This works for me:

Yep, it works now that I changed it.
Can it be shared at the same time: today I spent...and what I bought?


They come out confused and incomprehensible
the onions that are written in Greek come out both purchased and not :slightly_smiling_face:
it's too Greek for that...

that is because before, you are displaying the labels "bought" and "missing" like a join of several things...try to understand what is each element, each label, the info of each parameter and then build the message you want

I think this is good.
I still have to look it up to see what errors and confusion the implementation has

I'll search it with a clearer mind for bugs and maybe think of something else to make it more attractive and more convenient to delete from the list the ones that have been bought automatically and leave only the ones that haven't been bought for next time

Clicking on bought, then it outputs the written list if all products are selected, at the end it doesn't correctly output the selected products as purchased, and it outputs all as not bought but in repeat and previously deleted products.
I find this to be the biggest mistake

Sorry, I don't said that if you check all the checkboxes, the final lists relative to bought products and pending products are wrong?