help to view list view elements from json file how can i view this json file in listview elemtents with blocks?
Use the Web
component's JsonTextDecode
block to convert the JSON string into a list.
Dictionary lookup in pairs
Which ones do you want?
The main, the optional, or both?
For blocks, post the JSON text inline as text so we can test using it.
Why not use the JsonTextDecodeWithDictionaries then use the dictionary blocks to parse the data ?
You are absolutely correct.
Both i want to display
I trued alot but i cant reach.. can you help me with blocks
Afrer decoding and show in text ...jow can dosplay data from that text to list view ?what is the blocks to show both optional and main
You need to paste the json here for solution. But before this show us first what you've tried.
Could you type into your next post exactly how the result should look like for that data, in the ListViewer?
Add extra blank lines between one Element and the next, for clarity.
the second argument to foreach isn`t alist .....the error
the ressult will be like that each one (name and code) in element in list view:
"fundamental-code": "T4"
"fundamental-name": "physics"
"fundamental-code": "F5F",
"fundamental-name": "chemistry",
"optional-code": "M20",
"optional-name": " pesentation Skills
file json:
"fundamental-code": "T4",
"fundamental-name": "physics",
"fundamental-code": "F5F",
"fundamental-name": "chemistry",
"Optional": [
"optional-code": "T4",
"optional-name": "math",
"optional-code": "M20",
"optional-name": " pesentation Skills",
"No of Required optional courses": [
"Number of required optional courses": 2
json file:
"fundamental-code": "T4",
"fundamental-name": "physics",
"fundamental-code": "F5F",
"fundamental-name": "chemistry",
"Optional": [
"optional-code": "T4",
"optional-name": "math",
"optional-code": "M20",
"optional-name": " pesentation Skills",
"No of Required optional courses": [
"Number of required optional courses": 2
i want code and name in element in list view
Show us what did you try
What happened to T4 math?
Did you intend for it to be missed in the output sample?