How do I use the Discord webhook with HTTP request?

I search how to use the Discord webhook with App Inventor but I don't know how setup an body, not a parameter, a body. If someone can give a answer please do it.

any link to the Discord API documentation?
see an an example about how to use the web component here
see also the documentation


Trying to push the limits! Snippets, Tutorials and Extensions from Pura Vida Apps by icon24 Taifun.

I search how to do this :

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please try something... just follow the example above and adjust it to your needs...
and if you got stuck, then post a screenshot of your relevant blocks...


did you solve it?
I need to do something like this, exactly the same
I can't find how :frowning:

Please read my previous answers, try something and if you get stuck, post a screenshot of your relevant blocks...
