Good evening ABG,
Indeed, it is a question of reading data of a month sent by arduino.
I failed to create a procedure to avoid having 31 blocks. Display_data_from_arduino.aia (214.6 KB)
Hi netminderno !
I feel less alone thanks to you !!!!
I do not see how to do with the settings.
I think with a loop "for each items" it is possible but I am new and I am learning ...
Here is my first level simplification.
(I did not deal with the global buffer variable that grows infinitely, nor
with the table arrangement that is buggy (AI2's fault)
nor with the lack of a place where you clear the table, nor with
your trying to re-invent month names and their relation to month lengths). Display_data_from_arduino_ABG.aia (195.3 KB)
ad infinitum means to infinity! OK for me ! So agree with you!
Maybe I need to clear the buffer right after receiving data?
I don't know how to do this.
As I said to Profile - netminderno.9apps - MIT App Inventor Community, I am learning.
so I'm trying to figure out what you sent me.
Question: where did you find "set Label" ???
Aside from noticing that join "" is equivalent to "", I haven't seen any place
in your blocks where you actually use the global variable inputBuffer, except to build it up.
Hello ABG,
But yes of course! it is absolutely unnecessary!
I tried so many combinations that I forgot to clean up and simplify.
Thank you very much ABG.
you are my teacher!
Have a good day