How do i setting up MIT App Inventor blocks to fetch a comma-separated list of item names from an ESP32 web server using the Web1 component and displaying them in a ListView?

I’m building an app in MIT App Inventor that communicates with an ESP32 via WiFi. The ESP32 hosts a web server at http://qqq.q.qq.183/, which returns a comma-separated list of item names (e.g., "Apple Juice,Orange Juice,Chocolate Bar"). I want to fetch this data using the Web1 component and display the items in a ListView.

Could someone guide me on how to set up the blocks for:

  1. Making a GET request to the ESP32 when a button is clicked.
  2. Parsing the response and populating the ListView with the item names.

I’m especially unsure about how to handle the Web1.GotText event to split the response and update the ListView.Elements. Any help would be appreciated!

This is my initial setup but nothing happen when i pressed the button.

Your data flow is backwards.

It should flow from right to left, with responseContent upstream going into a text Split at Comma (,) block then into the Listview Elements.

P S. Let me guess your super secret IP address. It starts with 192?

I dont quite understand because im still a beginner. Can you explain in more detail ?

The data flows out of AI2 blocks from their nipples into the sockets (mouths) of other blocks.

Consult your local baby for details.