How do I set webview data to a variable and display it in notifier

Hi all,
With your help I was introduced to the Webviewer component. It has solved my initial problem.
The WebViewer,PageLoaded works, but the WebStringChange component doesn't return anything.
Chances are I am using it wrong
How do I now get to use the data returned by it.?
I want to manipulate the string then use notifier to display it.

Here are the blocks currently used.
Thanks in advance


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It is a capital I in AppInventor

Do you mean in this string, window.Appinventor.setWebViewString( ?

Yes I do

It isn't a capital letter, what should it be?

Change it to AppInventor

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Thank you very much,
Once again you've been a great help.
Not sure how I missed the capital I in the first place, especialyl as it seemed to work

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