How do i set an Alarm?

Im making an app where it reminds me of the things i need to do, but i want it to set an alarm for me, is there a way?

For example:
Clean the house
At? (chooses 10:00 am)
Press here to set an alarm at 10:00 am

You just don't with App Inventor Blocks unless you never allow the app to sleep. App Inventor cannot run in the background without using extensions.

What you can do if you are brave

do i have to pay for the Alarm extention? im using a pop up extention that a guy made, which is very useful, but in my undestanding, i cant make the app i wish for without paying?

what about trying the alarm extension?


Trying to push the limits! Snippets, Tutorials and Extensions from Pura Vida Apps by icon24 Taifun.

Yes, you have to pay for Taifun's Alarm extension .

Supposedly (if you dare) you can use this which can probably run your alarm Background Tasks extension [3.8 A] 🥳 - #292 by iomedesimo . It is free.

there is a free version and a paid version of the alarm extension available...
the free version might be sufficient for your needs...
