How do I pass integer values to the firebase realtime database?

How do I pass integer values to the firebase realtime database. i try to pass integer values from the MIT app inventor to firebase. but firebase always received string values. So how can i pass integer values. kindly help me for solving this problem.

If you are only using AppInventor to access the data on Firebase, this is not an issue, AppInventor will return what you send as an integer as an integer. If you are accessing the firebase data on other systems, then you may need to use the web component to send data to firebase.

Also if you send values in textboxes or labels, you need to multiply these by 1 to make then a number.


How can I use the web component to send data to firebase? because I use also another system for this project. that's why I want to send integer data. if any recourse please mention me. Thank you so much.

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