Hi friends,
I want to write a web-site address as hyperlink text, When some one click on it then open a web page.
How can i mention a text as hyperlink text ?
Hi friends,
I want to write a web-site address as hyperlink text, When some one click on it then open a web page.
How can i mention a text as hyperlink text ?
Use a button for the clickable action, put the url in a variable
Use activityStarter for starting the native browser (Chrome/Firefox)
or the webviewer for in app access to a web page
Thanks for your help.
Can't we do it by a Label??
only by a Button?
a label is not clickable
What if you made an extension???
extensions currently can only be made for non visible components
if you really need a clickable label, then you might want to use Kodular, which is an App Inventor distribution
Trying to push the limits! Snippets, Tutorials and Extensions from Pura Vida Apps by Taifun.
I need a button only to send url without opening page or web brownser.
Can it be?? How to create it?
For those looking for various types of hyperlinks and clickable labels, there is a link to the extension that makes it possible.