I'm trying to make one but i think my block code is not good enough. Please help me :((. Thank you so much :((
How about a search in previous posts?
Sadly I found nothing but some simple example :((. Here is my idea. I use face extension, get the distance between right nose and left nose, right eye bottom and right eye top, mouth bottom and mouth top, face width... it's 12 different distance then compare with the distance that i save before. First i get the distance which i'll use to compare later, then back up them on a google sheet. Then my app will get them, set an global = face width/ face width i back up before. Then I start comparing. For example with the distance between right nose and left nose is a, the distance between right nose and left nose which i back up before is b, and the ratio between face width and face width i back up before is c, it'll like this:
absolute( a.c - b) < 2
if 12 comparison is correct at the same time then my app will open. But it work not so good, and the block code is HUGE and not effective :((((((
Did you try the FaceMesh tutorial?
yes :(((. I watch all of them :(((
Unfortunately that is what I know. Sorry, that's all I know.
Last step: did you search for an extension in Pura Vida Apps extensions directory @ https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://puravidaapps.com/extensions.php&ved=2ahUKEwjeqZDivs_1AhWKPJQKHY_NBwAQFnoECAMQAQ&usg=AOvVaw3HIy9433VV3tydLa6ukDNc
Is this some sort of secret code?