How do I make an increasing counter in between screens?

Ideally, these 2 images would make progress towards a counter (0 + 1, then 1 + 1, then 2 + 1) every time they either succeeded or failed the activity. Unfortunately, it seems like it's only outputting the first step. How do I structure it so that works the way I want it to?

Where does global Timer change its value?

Don't worry about global Timer it's just a clock that ticks down until 0 hits. If the activity is done before the timer hits 0 then it's +1, if not then -1

as far as I know it doesn't really have any effect on the issue I'm having so that's why I decided to leave it out

Why use multiple screens?

  1. You have to close Clock Timers before you swap Screens.

  2. The Screen Initialise Block as you have it, will only set 1 image as the value "progress" is not changed before it is tested. Instead, set the image from within a Clock Timer.

edit: Here is an example of the code. It's not what you are looking for but it shows how to do this sort of thing.

Count_5.aia (4.7 KB)