Ideally, these 2 images would make progress towards a counter (0 + 1, then 1 + 1, then 2 + 1) every time they either succeeded or failed the activity. Unfortunately, it seems like it's only outputting the first step. How do I structure it so that works the way I want it to?
Where does global Timer change its value?
Don't worry about global Timer it's just a clock that ticks down until 0 hits. If the activity is done before the timer hits 0 then it's +1, if not then -1
as far as I know it doesn't really have any effect on the issue I'm having so that's why I decided to leave it out
Why use multiple screens?
You have to close Clock Timers before you swap Screens.
The Screen Initialise Block as you have it, will only set 1 image as the value "progress" is not changed before it is tested. Instead, set the image from within a Clock Timer.
edit: Here is an example of the code. It's not what you are looking for but it shows how to do this sort of thing.
Count_5.aia (4.7 KB)