Trying to create a list, but now with too many items its becoming downright impossible to add in new items:
Does anyone know an easy way to make it so that we can make this list and fit in all (100+ items) of the items we have?
Trying to create a list, but now with too many items its becoming downright impossible to add in new items:
Does anyone know an easy way to make it so that we can make this list and fit in all (100+ items) of the items we have?
Type it all up in a text editor and upload the file to the Media folder.
At Screen.Initialize time read the file.
When the file arrives, aplit it at \n and drop the resulting list into a global variable.
In global variable---text block----wirte comma separated items example- item1,item2,item3andson.
now use a blockfrom lists-----> list from csv row attach global variable. That's it.
A simpler way to add all your list items in an excel sheet in a column and convert it to json or csv file using any online converter and read that file whenever you want as ABG suggested.