How do I learn to use the MIT app inventor as far as blocks are concerned?

How do I learn to use the MIT app inventor as far as blocks are concerned? :neutral_face:


Here few things I followed while learning app inventor

  • Following some youtubers like I followed pixii bomb, walya express,and others.

  • Try to copy existing application build on app inventor after learning from youtubers.

  • Try creating to create something new from the things you learn from the above activities.

Doing this things will help to improve your application ui and logical thinking to create batter project in future.


I didn't do anything :joy: even I so don't know how I learn it because block are very easy to understand by reading component name simple


Yes, the blocks are very self-explanatory. You can hover your mouse on any block and it will reveal a short description of the functionality of the block. For detailed description, right click on any block and select Help from the dropdown menu (same with components). Also, if you have any experience with coding or MIT Scratch, it would be good going for you.
For beginner level tutorial, see this


Thank you for all your ideas


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Why not invest some time (and coffee) doing the official (free) MIT Tutorials?


thanks very much

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