the idea is to make when app is open which basically means Screen1 is operating,im using when Screen1 is initialize the sound will be played
however the problem is when i have multiple screen which leads to another screen and when close it will back to screen1 which make the sound to play again and again each time i close a screen
To fix your sound play issue, use a variable to set a flag which is tested. When app first opened play the sound, after that do not. reset the flag when you close the app.
Yes it should be like that. But try this app (build the APK and test it). initialize_sound2.aia (134.2 KB)
After e.g. Screen2 is closed and you return to Screen1, Sound2 (in my test app: clock.mp3) is triggered again for a few milliseconds (of course that doesn't happen to the Player component). Therefore there is a bug here.