How do I get database firebase show listview on mit app inventor of user's?

You want an admin user?
Set up a user with different rules, read/write everything.

You should then be able to call the folder "users" and everything in it as that user.

When you make your call to the database, keep checking the content of responseContent, and look at what the dictionary is. You may need to adjust your key/value blocks accordingly.

Do you have example?

You may have to duplicate the "users" data to another node, e.g. adminUsers, and give read access only to your admin user:

  "rules": {
       ".read": "auth.uid === 'dJrGShfgfd2'",
       ".write": "auth.uid === 'dJrGShfgfd2'"

where dJrGShfgfd2 is your admin user's uid

I don't know enough about the deeper inner working of firebase rules to advise.

This is not really an app inventor question, it is a firebase rules question. You will get more luck on stackoverflow. Don't mention App Inventor or tag it as such (this will only confuse the issue), just say you are using the REST API to access the data.

Been thinking....

Perhaps change the rules for the users node, so that all users can write to the users node, but they cannot read it, setting your admin users rule to be able to read the users node? Maybe that will work?

  "rules": {
       ".read": "auth.uid === 'dJrGShfgfd2'",
       ".write": "auth.uid !=null "

This would mean setting (different) rules for other nodes in the project

Oh hang on, I have just re-read this topic from the beginning. All authenticated users can read and write.

Therefore your admin user app simply needs to call the database at node users to get back all the data!

For what it is worth, a useful guide from Kodular on firebase rules:

When i click this list ?

Why don't show of Data ?

But show this Data

this is screen showdetail.

What is your action in the listview blocks for the after selecting event ?

This listview block when after select.

and you are expecting to see the details show up on another screen?

how are you transferring these details from one screen to another?