This is a block that displays several lists in a list.
Please help me to display the list in the list using the dynamic method
I did not see any blocks for 'display' the data.
Please give some example data, and how to display them?
I like YAML in a simple List View.
P.S. Never use blank for a default return value for a list value, unless you are begging for error messages.
Use Create Empty List instead.
Thank you for your attention.
This is the result, there is a list within a list, how to make it dynamic
I will try it.
thank you very much for you
the big joint block makes its different to deal with the data. try with make a list block.
This is an ill-formed list of lists (but a list of one item, a long string).
is this wrong?
From a list like this I want to display the list in the list using dynamic components
why you want to add the data from the tinydb to a list? and where the data of tinydb come from?
You already show the data in kind of list. or you check this
The purpose of my problem is how to make the data in this cell into a list
This data is from Mysql
did you using any extension? or with Web? and how your script at server side to send back data?
Usually you get the data as csv table, at least with this method App Inventor Tutorials and Examples: MySQL | Pura Vida Apps
Then you just need the list from csv table block to convert it into a list of lists