How do I create and make a terms and conditions section appear on my app?

How to create and make a terms and conditions section appear on my app, Help please :pleading_face:

Prepare terms and conditions document in other screen and add a button on Screen1 or any other screen and name it Terms & Conditions, then go to blocks section add

when TCButton.Click
do  open another screen screenName  do  close screen  result  TCScreen

TCbutton and TCScreen are only example names.

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Create one VA in which add onr VSA and check box + button

In the VSA add a label and add in detailed about your TnC

If user checked box and pressed button mean save tinydb this value as true

Next time in screen init just this tag value, if falsr show TnC else proceed to next

Even you can pop up this arrangement too

Why? What is the purpose of your app and the TaC?
Btw, shouldn't the TaC be known and transparent beforehand (i.e. before installing the app)?

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