hola buenas noches a todos que pena sera que me pueden colaborar en explicarme como hacer un buscador de palabras y me resalte es para un diccionario gracias
Your question requires more clarification. What do you want to word search? A List, a text document, the Internet or something else?
Here is how you can search a List using advice by Sajal.
Highlight it to a dictionary? Add the word to a List or do something else?
Perhaps you could provide an example illustrating what you hope to do?
Other possibilities are described in this search of the community.
Es que tengo en una pantalla con etiquteas llenas informacion pero de alli quiero hacer un buscador donde escriba una palabra clave y me la subraye o señale gracias
"It is that I have on a screen with labels filled with information but from there I want to make a search engine where I write a keyword and underline it or point it to me, thank you"
What have you tried?
Is this what you want to do?
The searched text is the Label text. The word to search for is in the TextBox and a display of what is found highlights the searched word in the Label. You do it using the replace all text Block and setting your Label to html format using the Designer.
or make a List out of the Label and then search the List for your Word.
One way to do it is
Set for all labels HTMLFormat to true
Create a list of your labels, and then a procedure to change the color - highlight the word you are searching in all labels
Did you perhaps mean
muchisimas gracias eso queria hacer
hola gracias por tu respuesta oye tengo una pregunta el bloque morado en que lado lo sacaste en procedimientos o de donde que pena y gracias me ayudas con el que falta
In the blocks section there is a category named procedure.
si pero no me aparece nada de search text o me toca configurarlo?
Probably you can just drag and drop above procedure from @dora_paz into the blocks.
It should get imported.
vale tu no lo tendras para que me lo envies por favor gracias
The purple Block is a Procedure. How to make a Procedure is discussed in Defining Procedures.
What have you tried? Show your Blocks please.
Dora's blocks can be dragged from his post directly into your Designer by dragging and dropping the purple search block into your App Inventor Blocks screen. The other blocks he posts cannot be dragged, you have to reproduce/re-create them.
Hola no me funciono :c